ka ae eela hreem hasa kahala hreem sakala hreem

ka ae eela hreem hasa kahala hreem sakala hreem
Those devoted to illusion enter blind darkness. Into greater darkness enter those who are solely attached to knowledge.

Monday, January 23, 2012

hitler horoscope analysed

Born April 20, 1889 at 6:30 PM in Braunau (Autriche)






Adolphe Hitler

20-04-1889 6 30 pm Brannan




















4th lord, is Sani which is in 10th, aspecting the 4th house. When a bhavadhipa aspects the bhava, it’s a rule that the bhava results have to happen. Especially when there is a lagna/lagnadhipa sambandham. (Here Sani is in a Kendra from Sukra the lagnadhipa, which is a strong sambandham) Also, consider that for a Thula lagna Sani is a yoga karaka by means of Kendra and Trikona lordships. Again, in navamsa, Sani is seen to occupy, swakshetra in the 4th house. But we all know that Hitler dropped out of school by his 16th year!

Now, if you look from Chandra lagna also, the 4th lord Guru is in Chandra lagna which favours formal education. So is it Sani, the 4th lord in 10th which prevented the formal education? No, we have seen many Thula lagna natives faring superbly well in education.

We may see that Hitler was running the Ashtamadhipa Sukra’s dasa till late 1907, who also happened to be the gulika bhavanadhipa. The association of Kuja and Sukra must have tempted him to go freaky with his studies during Sukra period. Rahu’s presence in the 9th might have given him scant respect for father/gurus.


The Manokaraka, Chandra is in 3rd, not a favourable position for a satwic planet. It has got yoga with the 3rd and 6th lord Guru (again Guru becoming unfavourable) and with Khantakaraka Ketu. All these add up to giving a very inward personality, with many dark tendencies.


2nd lord Kuja, is in 7th house and has got a swakshetra navamsa. Making Kuja all the more aggressive. It is associated with the 11th lord (sarvabheeshta) Surya which is in Uccha in 7th, Budha the bhagya (9th)lord/12th lord and the lagna/8th lord Sukra, constituting a pravajya yoga though weak. And importantly, aspected by Guru. Hitler surely had great knowledge in many a science and art, which must have been self nourished.


10th lord Chandra, is in 3rd house, the house of valour. Along with the 3rd and 6th lord (enemy house) Guru and the naturally malefic Ketu. An Uccha Surya and aggressive Kuja only added up to this. The occupation of Sani in the 10th house, aspected by Kuja, gave rise to a great elevation in life and a fall due to self undoing.


9th lord Budha is in 7th, indicating that Hitler’s progress in life started after his sensual life got activated. It is aspected by Guru from 3rd but more influenced by Sani who aspects the 9th lord vis a vis his 10th aspect. The presence of Rahu in 9th and its navamsa in 8th along with Budha (bhagyadhipa) must have been the bhagya chyuti.

5th lord Sani in a Kendra, with a sambandham with lagna lord Sukra surely gave Hitler a slow but great intelligence but the drishti of Kuja ruined it to make it too negative. The information karaka, Budha’s state amply supported the enigmatic man. But most unfortunately the Gnana karaka Guru’s very unfavourable state proved the decisions of the aggressive leader to be most unfortunate to the world.


So it is not just the 4th lord or the 2nd lord or the 9th lord that indicates what you are going to do with knowledge in your life. It is predominantly, the 5th house, its lord, and it’s karaka- Guru. This is not in any way undermining the importance of any of the above mentioned houses or the all important houses like the 10th. Wisdom and your vasana (instinct) has got a lot to do with your poorva janma sukruta and also to your discrete application of your knowledge. Of course this can be modified a lot with your learning out of sufferings from 6th, 8th and 12th conditions too.

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